Should you ever encounter a problem with your site and be incapable of taking care of it yourself, ask the hosting provider’s support staff to assist you to bring the site back online. A quick solution would be the most optimal scenario, but lots of hosting companies answer within twenty four hours or even more, all the more so if you’re dealing with a hosting reseller. Even if the problem can be quickly fixed, your site may not function correctly or it may not be available at all for a prolonged period of time, so you may lose potential customers because it’s quite unlikely that anybody will revisit a site that is inoperational. That being said, you should make sure not only that you can touch base with your hosting company, but also that they can reply and help you in a timely manner. If a web application update does not proceed smoothly or if you delete something accidentally, for instance, the website must be restored quickly so as to avoid extended downtime.

One-Hour Response Guarantee in Web Hosting

With a web hosting from our company, you can forget about waiting for hours and hours, or even one whole day, to receive a response to a helpdesk ticket or an email. No matter when you touch base with us, we’ll lend you a helping hand within 1 hour max with any pre-sales or technical queries that you may have. In reality, our real response time scarcely ever surpasses twenty-thirty minutes. As we are available night and day, you’ll always receive help in a timely fashion and we realize exactly how vital this is in the Internet era. Shortly after you contact us, we’ll respond to your queries. If you experience any technical difficulty, we’ll solve it on your behalf, or we’ll supply you with all the necessary information in case there is something that you have to do yourself.

One-Hour Response Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Hosting

Our client service team members will be at your service all the time and they’ll respond to any ticket that you send via our hosting Control Panel within one hour max. The ticket response time is guaranteed irrespective of whether you have a general question in regard to your semi-dedicated server or you come across some challenge and you will not have to wait even that long for most issues. Regardless of what the essence of the issue is or what time of day or night it is, we’ll be there to assist you, as we are available 24x7x365 to tackle any technical, general or billing issue. If you contact us about anything that is within our capability, we’ll sort it out before we reply to you, which suggests that you won’t have to wait around for hours or even days while the problem lingers. If there is something that you have to do on your end, we will supply you with the required info – what possible solutions to try out, what steps to take, etc.